Monday, December 15, 2008

Point of View

What point of view is your book narrated (Objective Point of View, Third Person, First Person, Omniscient or Limited Omniscient)? How are your feelings about the character(s) influenced by the point of view in which the story is told? Remember: first person narrators are not always trustworthy. It is up to you to determine what is true and what is not. Describe the ways point of view is used to help you understand what you are reading.


  1. my feelings about the mainchareter are that she tries to be a rebel

  2. I am reading blister I am the text connector I think this is a third person story it makes me sad when I start to read about the baby dieing and the parents living in diffrent homes

  3. My book is Blister and the book is narrated
    third person.I know this because Alyssa (the main character) is not telling the story her self someone is narrating about her life.

  4. Third person in ROLL OF THUNDER
    My feelings about it is sad because,it is talking racism and a man is planing to burn the kids'house.The points of view helps me by undertstanding the rolls of each character.

  5. I would say that it is a my story is kind of a frist person because it all about a boy name jack who is telling the story .

  6. as blister is is told in third person I can see all the charitars in my head very well they
    are very well discribed

  7. I think my book roll of thunder hear my cry is a first person point of view becouse Cassie(the main chareter)tells only her side of the story.Also becouse she only tells her feeling and she tells about how she dislikes her brothers friend but she dosent say how everyone else felt.

  8. The point of view who is telling the story is first person of Roll of thunder because Cassie is the person who is telling the story and when she puts her self in the story she uses I,me,ect. My feelings of this book is strong because of how racist this book and how the people on the bus torutcher who are just tring to.

  9. My story is told in first person view.I know that my story is first person view because I see sometimes that steven (the main characters) is talking alot about hat happen to him
    Point of view is used to help you by telling you whom is talking or if somebody is telling the story

  10. One of the other questions that asked for discussion director was, why do you think the father of the girl is a kidnapper do you think it was because of his live before,do you think now that he has a kid he would stop kidnapping?For that qestion i answered as i really don't know why he is a kidnapper but if i had to make a hypothesis i would say because of his past mabey his dad was like that but i really hope that he stops kidnapping eqpecailly if he has a kid!!

  11. my story the watsons go to birmingham is a first person book becuse the main character is telling the story about his life.point of veiw is influenced in the story becuse kenny the main character is telling his side of his life.

  12. Heaven is told in first person and is told by
    Marley.My view of uncleJack is that he moves alot because he cant keep a job and he doesnt have alot of money,Marley has told us her side but we dont know uncleJacks side yet.

  13. The Watson Go To Birmingham is in 1st person point of view because Kenny is narrating what's happing so I get his point of view. I am sure if someone else would of narrate, it would be different.

  14. I think point of view helps by explaining how some one feels and it helps in precding how the story is going to turn out

  15. Heaven is told by (Frist Person). marley told the story.I did not understand the story .I read some parts of the story and i thought that the people in the story were dead because the name of the story was heaven.This saying in the story said "it's a small town,with kids running every where. the cutest little school sitting overby the river, lots of trees.

  16. My book is roll of thunder hear my cry. My book is told in first person because the main character Cassie tells the story from how she sees it. For example Cassie tells how she gets irritated when a kid she doesn’t like walks to school with her.

  17. THis book "Drums,girls,and dangerous pie is a good book.Its a 1st person. The main character brings a bunch of humer into the book.Steven "the main charadter" that like this girl and she don't even notice her.So he thinks his life is bad because then he haves to go home to his little brother Jeffrey.His brother Jeffry is a good kid but everything he hears gos out the other ear.But coming to find out he had cancer.He stated to have nose bleeds and had to be taking to the docter.From the docters checking him up they found out that he had cancer.

  18. My book is the Watsons go to Birmingham.This story is set in first person point of view.The first person that is telling the story is Kenny.My feelings for Kenny are that he is a very smart young boy and that he gets betten up alot by his big bbrother Byron. Plus he gets betten up a little at school by all of the bullies.

  19. The book i am reading is called Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry and it is told in first person.I feel sad how Cassie tells her story about what the family goes through dealing with racism and how people don't like them just because of the color of their skin.

  20. My book is Drums Girls & Dangerous pie.(First person)The first persons point of veiw helps me understand the story because I here it from a kids point of view.And that helps me understand the story more.

  21. My book is The Weird Watision Go to bermingham is in a first person point of view because Kennyis talking about what is going to happen so I realy get his point of view.If someone else was narrating, it would be different.

  22. My book is the Return of the Home Run Kid and it is told in first person. The book got a lot more appealing to me when Sylvester met Cheeko and he is going to teach him how to be a better ball player. His parents agree with them hanging around Cheeko even though he is a stranger. I felt that his friend, Snooky, was right about him. He is going to have big trouble with Cheeko. By the story being told in first person I was able to understand. In third person, it would have been totally different, like the way it was told and it would have been a story being told and this is in first person. The story is being told as it is going along.

  23. Girls, Drums, and dangrous pie is a very good book in my opinion. How I feel about the story is that steven is just a regular teenager and he feels bad about his little brother.This book is told by the first person and that would be steven.

  24. The book I'm reading is Roll of Thunder,Hear My Cry.I think it is first person point of view. The charater that is telling the story is a girl Cassie Cassie is an African-American who lives in the U.S during segrEgation and is having huge problems in her town.She tries to fix her problems but,gets into more trouble.I think Cassie is a brave person to stand up like this during hard times

  25. Heaven is told in the first person point of view. Marley thinks she does everything for everbody. Bobby thinks she is paying a loan but she isn’t.

  26. My book is drums, girls and dangerous pie.this story is first person because Steven is telling the story and his parents have a different point of view than steven.the parents point of view was that it was steven's fault that Jeffrey got a bloody nose.

  27. My book Heaven I thnk is first peron becuse the person told by Marly. And most of the book is relly hard to understand to me.

  28. I think the piont of veiw in my story The Watsons was first person because it just the boy telling the story

  29. my book is return of the home run kid it is 1st person. my role is litirary luminary some of the important parts i thought was when ceko came running up to him and asked him if he would like to practis becaus if you didnt know that you would have no clue why he was practising and who he was practising with.

  30. My book is drums girls dangerous pie. I think my book is in third person because my book has talks about other people and its using we, him,she. my role is discussion director.

  31. my story is Roll of thunder,Hear my cry.this book is told in third feelings on this book are that it was not a fair time back then and it was a sad time. in Roll of thunder,Hear my cry there is a lot of racial comments or actions made by chararcters.if it was told in first person then it would probably seem even sadder than now because you would be able to really know what it felt like and how it made different characters feel like

  32. my book was the homerun kid it was first person because he talked abou him self i thought sylfester was a humble nice kid because when he did good he didnt start parading around the field he just came back in got his glove and got ready to go back out

  33. My book was return of the homerun kid. The role I was is the artful artist. I feel that Sylvester wasn't being very truthful,because if he was good last year he should be good this year.Even if he didn't remember the tips because all the things he did he did on his own!

  34. My story; Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry is a first person story because of how the story revolves and go’s around the main character, Cassie. This book is a very long but interesting story with drama, racism (bad), and exciting adventures though life during segregation. :)

  35. my book is drums,girls and dangerous pie. this stroy is told in first person becuse steven is telling the story and his parents have a different point of view saiyng steven trew his brother jeffrey to the grond and he got a bloodly nose.

  36. My book is call Heaven. It is first person. I feel sad about how her friends went to camp and she couldn't. If the story was told in third person, it probably will be a different story with the same name. The book is easier to understand because it is told by one person.

  37. My story Drums,Girls,and Dangerous Pie was A First Person Story.I feel sorry and happy for steven at the same time because having a little brother can be annoying and fun at the same time.The point of view helps me understand what I read by makeing the story like a Journal.

  38. The book i'm reading is called Drums,Girls and dangerous pie and my book is told in third person because steven isnt just talking about his self his talks to other people in the story.The way i feel about the book of theim point of view and how it's told is because you can tell the diffrence of all the character's point of view and how Jeffrey's bloody noses wasn't alway's steven's fault.if this story was written in frist person it would change by the diffrence in how the charater are because it would be one person talkin and not the actual charecter's.

  39. My book is Heaven and it is first person.I don't like this book at all.Because i'm in to more gost books and fairy tales.But I did like the first six pages of Heaven.Because it talked about her living in heaven in the after life.It's just Idon't think i'm better off reading books that talk about after life.The reaon why for that is because I dont want to think about the after life because what if there is no after life. So I just dont now if it will get better in the end. So I will like it I never know i'm always suprised you just never know.

  40. Heaven is told by {First Person}. when Marley told that she sent her uncle Jack money.I thought that was a nice thing to do because if her uncle Jack sent her money Marley is probaly trying to be nice. This point of view helps me because I know Marleys point of view that she's sending money to her Uncle Jack.

  41. my story is called hevaen my point on view is 1stperson marley thinks she knows everything about every one... bobbythinks that she is paying his loans...

  42. My book, "Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry", is writen in first person. I think that Cassie and Little Man are brave for standing up to their teacher. I think that if it was by a narrator that maybe I wouldn't hate the teacher so much because I wouldn't know Cassie's feelings. Cassie makes me see that whites were really mean to blacks back then and I feel really mad at whites for treating them that way.

  43. my book was the watsons go to birmington.The point of view was first person and the narrater made By seem like a big wimp in the biggening.Then the narrater makes By seem like a bully who would do anything to be feared.

  44. My book is called Return of the home run kid. This book is told in fist person it was boring in the beging but it got better when Slyvester started to pratice with cheeko because he could then hit the ball and catch it.

  45. My story, The Watsons Go To Burmingham is first person becuase Kenny is telling the story. I think if the story was third person you wouldn't get Kenny's point of view on life.

  46. hi for everyone out there doing roll of thunder
    i think the book is first person because cassie is telling the story and she is in the story, not a narrator or ominicent:)

  47. My book called " The Watsons Go to Benningham is narrated by a fist person but I do not think the person is fully telling the truth about what really happened in the story due to the maturity of the character. The story really has exellant details, descriptions, and dialogue.

  48. my book is The Watson's Go to Birmingham and it is told in first person. It is a funny story because the way it is told it. Like the part when Byron got his lips stuck to the window and then he got them off and when the family is going to Alabama Kenny wants to tease with Byron and says he wants to make a comic book and says he is going to name his charecter the lipless wonder! It was funny because I could imagine Kenny feeling brave enough to say that in front of Byron.

  49. the story blister is a one person point of view. i think that because aylssa talks about how her family and her our feeling about the lost of the baby. i also know that it is one point of view is that it uses i and my mom and dad .i feel that it wouldn't matter if they changed it to third or second point of view.

  50. I did not under stan hevan because some parts had me thanking that someone died.It is writen in firstperson.The story did not make seanc if i were to rate this it would be a two.

  51. My book is titled 'Roll of Thunder.' It is third person point of view. I would say it helps you understand the story because sometimes it is hard to, when using first person, to interpret the character's thoughts because it is kind often tainted by thier view/position. Also, you get a larger view with third person rather than first person.

  52. i think roll of thunder is first person because cassie is not a narrator or ominicent.
    she is in the story

  53. My book Thw Watsons go Birmingham is told in a first person point of veiw by a little boy named Kenny. I think the charecter seems a like an average boy. He's bullieed a little bit by kids at school and big brother Byron. The point of veiw in wich the story is told it seems like Kenny can be a little sneaky but is a good kid.

  54. My book, role of thunder is told in 1 person because cassie is involved in the events, but the text reads I, me, ect. I like this story in 1 person because you get the cassie's opinion, yet you're kept in susspense guesing what the other characters think about the situation.

  55. My book is "The Watsons go to birmingham" I think my book is first person because the book is being told by the younger brother Kenny. If the book was in third person it probably be different because it would be from the narrators perspective not Kenny's. When Kenny tells it he makes Byron and Buphead seem stuck up and mean, that could just be how Kenny feels.

  56. my book drums, girls and dangerous pie is told in first person.steven tells the story of what goes on in his life, and what happens with his brother.It helps me understand the story better because steven was achally there when his brother got hert. it would be way differnt if the auther told the story because the auther was not there, when steven's brother got a bloody nose. Since i am the text conector i am supose to connect to the story.At the age of 5; I tryed to skate board down a hill and fell on my face and started to gush out blood; just like Jeffry "the little brother".But his nose bleed happend a little different.He fell down and started to bleed.But it turns out that he have cancer.I dont have cancer though.Thats my text-to-self.Also this book involves a boy named Steven "the main character"liking a girl and she don't even recognize him.Did i mension he is a nerd that likes to play the drums.This book is just like the book Diary of a wimpy kid.

  57. I am reading Blister and it is told in first person point of veiw. I know this because Alyssa is using I,we, us, and our when she tells us the story.My feelings about the characters in the story influenced my point of view by when I heard Alyssa say that her baby sister had dided.Point of view helped me figure out the story by catching my eye.

  58. My book is Blistre this book is [first person] by Alyssa .I thought this story was realy exciting.Alos this was realy easy to read and I could understand it.

  59. My story,drums,girls dangerous pie and 1st person my mian character is steven he likes a girl and she never notice but when he got home and his had a nose bleeding and thats when his life changes.

  60. My book, Roll of Thunder,Hear my cry, is written in first person by the main character, Cassie. How Cassie talks is interesting because her opinion is somewhat similar to the opinions of the other characters. For example, she feels the white people treats the blacks badly and her siblings agree with her.

  61. My book is firrst person. I would say this becasue its about a boy Kenny that tells the story. Because Kenny told the story it tells what he thinks about the problems(like when LJ steels his dinosaurs). If any one else was telling the story it wouldnt be as good because it won't know how he feels about all of the things going on in his life. Such as when Rufus is mad at him and wont talk to kenny. I think he is very trustworthy because if you notice he doesn't talk abou anyones feelings but his own. Kenny is not so smart though because he falls for all of LJ'S tricks.

  62. my book is blister at the begining i thout that this was going to be boring. then when i started to read more it turnde out that its a somewhat good book.

  63. my story is called blister and it is first person story

  64. I think my story is frst person because there was only one person writing the story . I didnt understand the story because they were talking about they live in heaven but they still see thre family and then they say they live in carolina so if they live in heaven there dead.

  65. my book roll of thunder hear my cry is very good. it's written in first person the narrartor being a girl cassie that's growing up in the segragated south. i think cassie and her little brother little man are very brve because when they were givin school books only because they were in very poor condition and because they didn't want them and they were beat by there teacher because of that, i also think that there stubben too

  66. My book is called Drums, girls, and dangerous pie. I think it is told in first person because the main character Steven always says "I".

  67. my book is blister. it is in 1st personthe main character is Daisy G.the minor characters are Carlos,Alyssa,Lila rose,marymr.aiken,mama,and daddy

  68. My book is The Watsons go to Birmingham 1963. It is told in first person point of view by Kenny who is in 4th grade. My feelings on this book are that Kenny is a really good kid who is bullied and teased because of his lazy eye. I thought that since his older brother Byron was a bully that people would be scared to pick on kenny since that is his brother but people pick on Kenny just as much as Byron and Byron's friend Buphead do. I thought it was sad when the poor kid Rufus started coming to school and Kenny thought that Rufus was his savior because if there was somebody that was worse than him people would pick on Rufus and leave him alone. It was easier to understand my story when I imagined myself in it because my book takes place in the early 1960's and the family talks in a certain type of country-southern way and it confused me. I think that Kenny shouldn't laugh when the kids make fun of rufus because thats the only friend he has. I also think that Kenny is usually nice to Rufus especially when he gives him the leather gloves with the real rabbit fur inside. In all I think the story will have a sad but at the same time happy ending

  69. my book is role of thunder hear my cry it is in first person format. it is about a girl name cassie who is the narrator of the book and a boy named little man mostly. i do think this point of veiw is the best for this book because it doesn't tell you everything thats going on it tells you about cassie point of veiw wich isn't completeing true but gives you suspence waiting for what the others think

  70. My book is called The Watsons go to birmingham.It is first person because Kenny is telling the story.I thnk it wouldn't have been as descriptive if someone else told the story because Kenny was there so he would know what happened.

  71. My book is Roll of Thunder Hear my cry. I think my book is first person because the main carator Cassie is telling the story not an auther because CAssie is the telling what happened to her famiy and friends CAsssie is an African-American girl her life hard because there is alot of racism in her time.but hher family gets by. Her mom is a teacher and her dad lays railroads for a living

  72. Im reading a book called THE RETURN OF THE HOME RUN KID.It was first person because he only bragged about himself I thought that he always worked hard and had got to cocky playing baseball for example last season he was really good because he could hit home runs but i think over the summer he started slacking and wasnt good anymore in baseball.But now he's having lessons from Checko.I wonder will hit home runs again.

  73. my story is the watsons go to birmingham. this story is in first person because Kenny is telling the story.I think it wouldn't have been as descriptive if someone else is telling the story because Kenny was there when telling the story.

  74. I said third person because the author is using he and she.My feelings about the way the narrator's story is that its realy a sad story because there's alot of sad thing like when the dog got hit because there was a car speeding down the road and the dog was in the middle of the road when the owner was calling his name and the people in the car didn't see him because how fast they was going.

  75. somewhat like this storyMy story name is heaven . I like the story because its somewhat like what I see in real life.My charicter marty pick up people. Also he write to his oncle. His oncle is in heaven so they write to each other. But he is a little to nice to others. So I am .
